Wednesday's Quotes: #PPSellsBabyParts

A Shocking video of Planned Parenthood selling the aborted baby's body parts, like the liver, heart or lung, etc had been relesed. Revealing what Planned Parenthood are doing to the babies, immediately after the trend #PPSellsBabyParts appeared, these are a few of their quotes.  

1.Dear Planned Parenthood, I am Not For Sale. 

2.  It is not only that infants, in their mother’s wombs, are deprived of their lives, but also that their corpses are desecrated for profit.-Dr.Russel Moore

3. It's Just a 'clump of cells, Until Planned Parenthood Sells,
Now it has "Valuable Organs"

4.It is Time to DEFUND Planned Parenthood.



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