Prayer to Louie and Zellie Martin!

Yesterday Louie and Zellie Martin, St. Therese's Parents, became saints, the first ever couple saints in modern times.

Pope Francis said that Louis and Zelie Martin, "practiced Christian service in the family, creating day by day an environment of faith and love which nurtured the vocations of their daughters." 

So here is prayer to them: 

Prayer to Louis and Zellie Martin 

Saint Louis and Zélie Martin,
today we turn to you in prayer. 

By fulfilling the duties of your state in life 
and practicing the evangelical virtues 
as spouses and as parents, 
you have modeled for us 
an exemplary Christian life. 

May the example 
of your unwavering trust in God
and your constant willingness to surrender
all the joys, the trials, 
the sorrows and the sufferings
that filled your life
encourage us to persevere
in our daily challenges
and to remain in joy and Christian hope.


Ta, Ta for now!


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