An Advent of Inspiration: Day 16!

 Today is the Sixteenth day of Advent, Yay and it is also the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe! Our Lady of Guadalupe, is the Patroness of America and Mexico, Protector of Religious Freedom and the Unborn.

Our Lady of Guadalupe is the one the most revered of Marian apparition. The apparition was to a poor Aztec, Juan Diego. He saw the Blessed Mother, on Tepeyac Hill, where She asked for a shrine to be built in Her name. Juan, immediately, ran to the bishop to tell him the news, however, the bishop demanded a sign. Juan returned to Lady and asked for a sign, the sign was beautiful roses growing in the winter. Juan Diego picked the roses and put them in his tilma to show to the Bishop. When he came to the bishop the roses were in his tilma but also a beautiful portrait of Our Lady. 

Our Lady of Guadalupe, Pray for Us! 

Day 16: "Magi from the east arrived in Jerusalem." -Matthew 2:1 

The Sixteenth Day of Advent.

Oh, God of wisdom, 
I want to praise you and give you my life.

Like a loving parent, 
you bless me. 
You have watched over me, 
knowing my history 
and the path that led me to you.

Thank you for the peace 
you promise peace in my life. 
I ask that I be always aware 
of the strength of your great power. 
May it never leave me.

So many people before me 
in so many generations, 
have served you so humbly, 
answering your call. 
Please give me the wisdom and courage 
to be your humble servant.

Rejoice! Rejoice! Emmanuel 
Shall come to thee, O Israel!

Ta, Ta for now! 


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