The Gift of Advent Calendar: Day 1!

Every Winter, when the snow is piled high, and the ice is well icy, I also thank God that Christmas is coming soon. Without Christmas, the winter would be a dark and gloomy place, but with the light of Christ being born and the cheer and happiness Christmas brings, the world becomes a bright place. Advent is the time that we prepare for Christ's birth; it is the time we make our hearts and home ready for Our Savior's Coming. How do we prepare? One way is by prayer and meditation on His coming. This is why I am starting "The  Gift of Advent" Calender. The calendar is a blog post that includes a quote, prayer, and pictures designed to help us to think of Christ. Sometimes, we do not appreciate Advent as much as we would like to and neglect its real meaning: to prepare for the arrival of Jesus as a baby in the World. Hopefully, I will be able to post every day, but with College, it may be difficult so bear with me. 

Pope Francis describes Advent as “a new journey of the People of God with Jesus Christ, our Shepherd, who guides us in history towards the completion of the Kingdom of God.” 

Arise, Shine, for your LIGHT has come! -Isaiah 60: 1

First Day of Advent Prayer

Lord God,
only you can see into my heart and know 
that under all the busy-ness of my life, 
there is a deep longing
to make this Advent one that welcomes you
more deeply into my own life.

My heart desires the warmth of your love
and my mind searches for your Light
in the midst of the darkness.

Help me to be a peacemaker this Advent
and to give special love to those
who disagree with me.
Give me the strength and courage
to forgive those who have hurt me.
Help me to free my heart
from the prison of my anger and hurt.

The First Candle is lit, let us rejoice and be glad.

Ta, Ta for Now! 


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