Lenten Reflections: The Eighth Day of Lent!

Today Lets's pray a Rosary for the Poor, for those who suffer for god, and for those most in need of His Mercy! 

“Ask and it will be given to you;
seek and you will find;
knock and the door will be opened to you." -Mt. 7:7

A clean heart create for me, God;give me back the joy of your salvation. -Psalm 51: 12

The Eight Day of Lent Prayer: 

I’m not always eager to do your will. 
I’d often much rather do my own will. 
Please be with me on this Lenten journey 
and help me to remember 
that your own spirit can guide me 
in the right direction. 
I want to “fix” my weaknesses 
but the task seems overwhelming. 
But I know that with your help, 
anything can be done. 
With a grateful heart, 
I acknowledge your love 
and know that without you, 
I can do nothing.

Ta, Ta for now! 


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