Lenten Reflections: The Seventh Day of Lent!

Today I have Choir Practice at my Church, and we are practicing music for Easter and Lent, while its not surprising Lent songs and Easter songs are strikingly different. Lent is all somber and depressing while Easter songs are full of rejoicing and happiness. Though Lent is a time of mourning it is also a time of rejoicing for soon the Messiah will be here. 

"Just as Jonah became a sign to the Ninevites,
so will the Son of Man be to this generation." -Luke 11:30

"If your whole body is full of light, and no part of it is in darkness, then it will be as full of light as a lamp illuminating you with its brightness.” -Luke 11:36

The Seventh Day of Lent Prayer:

Dear Lord, 
I know you receive what is in my heart. 
Let me be inspired by your words 
and by the actions of your son, Jesus. 
Guide me to make sacrifices this Lent 
in the spirit of self-denial 
and with greater attention to you 
and to those around me. 
Help me to believe that you will grant me this 
because of the sacrifice Jesus made for me.

Tip: Say a Two Hail Mary for the priests and Deacons, that their spiritual life may grow during this Lenten Season. 

Ta, Ta for Now!  


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