Lenten Reflections: The Twelfth Day of Lent!

I've had some comments on forgiving is hard when the person you are forgiving, hurts you over and over again. Well, the Priest in my parish sums up the answer to this problem in a few words: You can forgive someone and still maintain your distance." You can Pray for those who hurt you, There is a quote I read don't know the author but it states: "Forgiveness doesn’t excuse their actions. Forgiveness stops their actions from destroying your heart." It is good to forgive, but you don't necessarily trust that person again. Forgiveness is healing, its strength, strength in saying that I forgive you for all the wrong you've done to me, but I won't let you close enough to hurt me again. I would Pray to St. Jane Frances de Chantal for guidance since she is the Patron saint of Forgiveness.

“What is the joy of God? It is to forgive!”  -Pope Francis

Cast away from you all the crimes you have committed, says the LORD,
and make for yourselves a new heart and a new spirit. -EZ. 18: 31

The Twelfth Day of Lent Prayer

God in heaven and in my life, 
guide me and protect me. 
I so often believe I can save myself 
and I always end in failure. 
Lead me with your love away from harm 
and guide me on the right path. 
May your Spirit inspire the Church 
and make us an instrument of your love
and guidance. 
Thank you for your care for me.

Ta, Ta for Now!


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