Lenten Reflections: The Fourteenth Day of Lent!

Today let us pray a St. Gertrude prayer for those who have died this week, or a loved one who passed. Yesterday, I found out that a woman who went to my church, died and her funeral was yesterday, if you could please keep her and her family in your prayers it would be greatly appreciated. 

 And He will raise you up on eagle's wings! 

Then Abraham said,
‘If they will not listen to Moses and the prophets,
neither will they be persuaded
if someone should rise from the dead.’” --Lk. 16: 31

The Fourteenth Day of Lent prayer:

Loving God, 
I hear your invitation, "Come back to me" 
and I am filled with such a longing to return to you. 
Show me the way to return. 
Lead me this day in good works I do in your name 
and send your Spirit to guide me and strengthen my faith. 
I ask only to feel your love in my life today.

Ta, Ta for Now!


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