Lenten Reflections: The Fifteenth Day of Lent!

Today is Meatless Friday, we are planning on cooking Orzo pasta, with balsamic vinegar dressing, peppers, and tomatoes. Yum, this dish is actually the dish we always bring to the beach, it can be eaten cold, and its really delicious. It almost like a pasta salad, the orzo has a pasta-y, nutty flavor, contrast with spice of the Vinegar and mustard, its like an explosion of taste. Then you bite into a fresh juicy red grape tomato, the fruitiness of it burst in your mouth and right about in the next bite you get a nice sharp crunch from the peppers.

God so loved the world that he gave his only-begotten Son; -John 3:16

The stone that the builders rejected
has become the cornerstone;
by the Lord has this been done,
and it is wonderful in our eyes? -Matthew 21:42

The Fifteenth Day of Lent Prayer:

Loving God, Caring parent, 
I am a child who so often turns my back 
on your love. 
Please accept my small acts of sorrow today 
and help to release me from the self-absorption 
that closes my heart to you. 
As I journey through Lent, 
let me remember the feast you have prepared for me 
in the resurrection 
and let me be filled with thanks to you.

Ta, Ta for Now! 


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